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Saturday 25 May 2024

君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女 - - - Anime Series Review (24/05/2024 - 01/06/2024)

 Date Created: 25/05/2024 23:10

Started Watching: 24/05/2024

Finished: 01/06/2024


I thought I might not continue watching this anime after I watched the first episode yesterday. This is because it doesn’t have much in terms of plot. But it does well what it aims to do—which is to show off a bunch of cute girls—a 100 of them in fact!!


Many people are pointing out, and I agree, that what separates this anime from other haram anime is—the main character is not clueless. There are a lot of kissing scenes and it’s really cute.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Click on the poster to read the MyAnimeList description!

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