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Wednesday 4 August 2021

Happy Sugar Life --- Anime Series Review (04/08/2021)

I don't know if this is a spoiler, but even though the ending is good, by which I mean it ties up all its loose ends, it is not a happy one.

I think that this is a Psychological Thriller. Certainly not a genre that I would watch regularly, but it had one of those plots that had you by the nose.

The art style was also very nice.

I feel like this anime is going to stay in my mind for quite some time — it makes me kind of uneasy.

The only thing I didn't like about this anime is how scary the MC is — that made it hard to take her side; I really hoped that she would get locked up by the halfway point.

This anime is not for everyone.

Rating (Out of Five): 4

Click on the poster to read the IMDb Review!

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