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Saturday 19 November 2022

Tokyo Revengers --- Anime Series Review (19/11/2022-21/11/2022)

Date Created: 19/11/2022 23:16

Started Watching: 19/11/2022

Finished: (Season 1) 21/11/2022


Just started watching Tokyo Revengers and so far it’s been super cool. It’s a time travel anime about a man who discovers his ability to time leap when he is almost run over by a train. He uses this power in order to try and save his first and only girlfriend by stopping a war between two rival gangs.


I saw the preview for the next season - there’s no new content in the preview, but people are saying that if the manga is anything to go by this will be really good. Definately going to check out the manga. Zetti make ne!


Just finished the manga! It is definitely worth checking out - there were quite a few moments where I cried. Quite an emotional rollercoaster for a shonen manga. If you are into delinquents, fighting and a main character that never gives up, this is an anime/manga worth checking out.

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