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Monday 30 August 2021

Bokutachi no Remake --- Anime Series Review (19/07/2021-26/09/2021)

Date Created: 30/08/2021 18:09

Started Watching: 19/07/2021

Completed: 26/09/2021


I watched the trailer on the 26th of June, and I was totally hooked.

Loved how episode 1 was an hour long. It totally gave time to get a feel Kyouya's life before he got sent back, and over all helped me get a better feel for the anime before committing.

Yesterday, I watched episodes 6 and 7. The ending was definitely unexpected. I do like how Kyouya noticed how the two girls were interested in him, but he is still a bit dense.


Watched episode 9 today. This new arc is very interesting. I know he's still getting used to it, but I want to see Kyouya getting along with his family a bit more and doing some family stuff.

Looking forward to the next episode.


Another fantastic episode.

I liked how Nakano started singing again — it kind of annoyed me that all those people decided to give up, leaving Kyouya to blame himself. Sure, he tampered with their lives a bit, but he didn't mean any harm — he was actually trying to help — they are the ones that decided to give up. If they are so weak willed, they didn't deserve what they got in the first place. So I definitely liked that N@NA got back into it, but I guess it's unlikely to happen with the other two.

I'm waiting for the next episode!


It may be just me, but it felt like a rushed ending and one that didn't feel like an ending at all — I guess they are trying to set up for a new season.

I would have preferred an ending where he decides not to ever tamper with their lives and return to his old one — if he liked struggling, that time was a perfect place to do it. But I guess that wouldn't be as interesting to watch, in a way.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

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