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Sunday, 23 February 2020

Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou (23/02/2020) -- Anime Movie Review

This is an amazing movie. I haven't seen one this powerful since Kimi no Na wa. It's one that you feel like you have to watch it over and over again. I definately.

This is set in a fantasy in which Maquia, an Iorph (A kind of humanoid species that stops aging once they become teenagers), has her homeland attacked and accideltly excapes by catching a lift on a Red-Eye infected Renato (Which is kind of like a dragon).

After that she feels hopeless and thinks about commiting suiside, but just then she hears a baby crying.

This is about Maquia learning what it is to be a mother and it is told beautifully. Every part of it seems to resonate inside like you live that live with them.

Rating (Out of Five): 5

Click on the poster to view the IMDb Review!

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