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Monday, 10 March 2025

熱いぞ!猫ヶ谷!! --- Drama Series Review (10/03/2025 - )

 Date Created: 10/03/2025 22:34

Started Watching: 10/03/2025

Finished: -


The fan-service is really good — cute girls in swimsuits. I’ve only watched the first episode and don’t plan on watching anymore. 3D is okay, but 2D is the best!

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Sucker Punch - - - Film Review (05/08/2025 - 08/03/2025)

 Date Created: 08/03/2025 17:11

Started Watching: 05/03/2025

Finished: 08/03/2025


I’m not a huge movie watcher, so I kind of had to watch it in chunks. The best part about this movie is the revealing costumes they wear — very sexy. You can tell it’s been inspired by anime.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Sunday, 23 February 2025

時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん - - - Anime Series Review

 Date Created: 23/02/2025 16:39

Started watching: 23/02/2025





Just noticed this anime uses EDs from other anime! For example, The ED for the fourth episode is from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.


I just finished watching episode five. This really is a beautifully executed anime. There’s just a right amount of subtle flirting between the different characters and it’s so cute to watch. And the art style is really good too — it’s funny when sometimes the eyes are drawn cartoon, like when the main character got hit in the head by a volleyball. The fan service in this episode is also of-the-charts amazing. Boob scenes/cup-size discussions, walking into a girl (sister) changing, even showing the back of the neck with a ponytail and armpit scene. This anime manages to capture a lot of fetishes in a comedic way.



Rating (Out of 5): 5

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

この会社に好きな人がいます --- Anime Series Review (19/02/2025 -)

 Date Created: 19/02/2025 22:39

Started Watching: 19/02/2025

Finished: -


The animation is really good and cute, but ちょっとふわふわすぎない?もう少しエッチな分があればよかったかも。I’ve decided to stop watching at the first episode for now maybe I’ll continue some other time.

その着せ替え人形ビスク・ドールは恋をする --- Anime Series Review (07/02/2025 -)

 Date Created: 07/02/2025 11:57

Started Watching: 07/02/2025

Finished: -


I’ve watched up to episode two. It’s got decent ecchi scenes, but I don’t really like the animation quality and the protagonist is too shy so I don’t want to continue.

Monday, 17 February 2025

The Grapes of Wrath (1940) --- Film Review (16/02/2024)

 Date Created: 17/02/2025 01:00

Started Watching: 16/02/2025

Finished: 16/02/2025


I came to it thinking it would be a romance, but it isn’t. That isn’t to say it’s not a good film, apparently, it’s one of the best ever — depicting the great depression.

At the very least, I thought it was interesting enough to watch till the end. The characters are well portrayed and, somehow, the movie had an upbeat feel despite the times being tough and the loss of loved ones.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Wife to be Sacrificed (1974) --- Film Review (13/02/2025)

 Date Created: 15/02/2025 13:19

Started watching: 13/02/2025

Finished: 13/02/2025


This is a bit dark and realistic compared to anime, but it was very interesting to watch.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Friday, 7 February 2025

Wuthering Heights (1939) --- Film Review (07/02/2025)

 Date Created: 07/02/2025 20:36

Started Watching: 07/02/2025

Finished: 07/02/2025


Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë was apparently the first ever Gothic novel. It’s a romance between Heathcliff, an abandoned child that was picked up from a street in Liverpool, and Kathy, the daughter of the master of Wuthering Heights (who picked up Heathcliff).

The master is a very kind person and told his two children (Kathy and another boy) to be kind to Heathcliff and share with him. Although Kathy grew to fall in love with him, the master’s son was always hated Heathcliff, who he saw as a “gypsy begger”. When his father died, the master’s son had Heathcliff be the stable boy.

Due to their class difference, a romance between Kathy and Heathcliff could never be — which eventually leads to their bittersweet end. It’s really a very beautiful movie. One of the best parts of it is the beautiful and poetic language they use.

“No, not dead, Dr. Kenneth. Not alone. He’s with her. They’ve only just begun to live. Goodbye, Heathcliff. Goodbye, my wild sweet Kathy.” — The Maid Servant / Wuthering Heights (1939)

Rating (Out of Five): 5

Monday, 27 January 2025

Futari Ecchi --- Anime Series Review (26/01/2025 - 27/01/2024)

 Date Created: 26/01/2025 21:32

Started Watching: 26/01/2025

Finished: 27/01/2024


This is an ecchi anime showing the awkwardness of a newly married couple.

It may not to be to everyone's taste, but I really like the retro vibe it has.

In my opinion, it's a cute and wholesome anime, with just the right amount of erotic elements.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Whistle Down the Wind --- Film Review (26/01/2025)

 Date Created: 26/01/2025 19:33

Finished: 26/01/2025


In “Whistle down the wind” we don’t get to see what the murderer did or why. The way they speak sounds a lot like how we still speak in Leicester. I felt something near the end.

There were a lot of pieces missing, but I think that was part of the art. Certainly a masterpiece. I would’ve liked something a little happier.

There was nothing really in it, and maybe it's something I would have enjoyed more as a child. Especially since it's in the British Film Institute's list of top 50 movies to watch by 15.

As an adult, I agree with the critique that “Nothing really happens in the film;”.

Rating (out of 5): 4

Friday, 20 December 2024

青春のアフター --- Manga Series Review (19/12/2024 - 20/12/2024)

 Date Created: 20/12/2024 03:45

Started reading: 19/12/2024

Finished: 20/12/2024

20/12/2024: read IF, an alternate (happy) ending


This is a masterpiece - I highly recommend it. The story actually made me feel a little sad because of all the lost time. Time is one of the most precious things we have.

I wanted Toba to end up with Sakura.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Thursday, 19 December 2024

俺の現実は恋愛ゲーム?? ~かと思ったら命がけのゲームだった~ --- Manga Series Review

 Date Created: 19/12/2024 12:21

Started reading: 17/12/2024

Finished: 18/12/2024


This is a really good romance erotica!! I highly recommend it. One of the things I like about it is the main character is interested in one main girl. And the girl happens to be a yandere.

The manga is about a guy whose world is turned into a game. He thinks it’s a dating Sim until he is killed by one of his “conquest targets”

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Sunday, 15 December 2024

異種族レビュアーズ --- Anime Series Review (14/12/2024 - 15/12/2024)

 Date Created: 15/12/2024 18:07

Started watching: 14/12/2024

(I watched the first episode quite a while ago with my little brother, but started again yesterday.)

Finished: -


This is an erotica, but it’s really well done. It focuses on different fetishes and is really cute and funny.

It’s about a human, an elf and an angel who go to brothels, have sex with girls of different species, and write reviews about their experience.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season - - - Anime Series Review (29/11/2024 - 02/12/2024)

 Date Created: 02/12/2024 23:50

Started watching: 29/11/2024

(I watched the memories episodes first, they were really emotional.)

Finished: 02/12/2024


At first, I didn’t wanna watch it because I thought My Hero Academia was going downhill, but, once I watch the memories episodes, all the emotions came back. It made me cry. So I decided to watch season 7, and it’s actually pretty good.

I remember what I loved about my hero academia.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Saturday, 30 November 2024

スカートの中はケダモノでした --- Anime Series Review (- 30/11/2024)

 Date Created: 30/11/2024 09:45

Started watching: -

Finished: 30/11/2024


I watched part of this quite a while ago, but I can’t remember when. Regardless of what some people might choose to say, I think this is a fairly good anime.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Monday, 11 November 2024

おカマ白書 --- Anime Series Review (10/11/2024 - 17/11/2024)

 Date Created: 11/11/2024 00:20

Started watching: 10/11/2024

Finished: 17/11/2024


There’s a really interesting cross-dressing anime. This goes much further into it than a lot of modern anime.


It’s kind of a weird anime, but also very funny and interesting. An anime about cross-dressing gay men (Okama), who actually enjoy what they do is very hard to come by.This is one of those rare classics - not everyone’s cup of tea, but definitely worth a watch.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Saturday, 2 November 2024

俺が好きなのは妹だけど妹じゃない --- Anime Series Review (01/11/2024 - )

 Date Created: 02/11/2024 15:58

Started watching: 01/11/2024

Finished: -


I think I watched the first episode of this a long time ago. It feels very familiar. I really like this anime. It’s done very well.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

12 Angry Men --- Movie Review (08/10/2024)

 Date Created: 08/10/2024 12:09

Started Watching: 08/10/2024

Finished: 08/10/2024


This is a classic movie — very intense. The part at the end, where the last guy to say guilty tore up a picture of his son, that was a tear-jerker.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Thursday, 26 September 2024

RAINBOW 二舎六房の七人 --- Anime Series Review (25/09/2024 - 29/09/2024)

 Date Created: 26/09/2024 09:02

Started Watching: 25/09/2024

Finished: 29/09/2024


This is about 6 young prisoners that are in a prison that is like hell on earth. Most of the cruelest most disgusting things that can happen in a prison happen to these guys.

I started watching this so I could become manly again. I miss being comfortable in my body and wanting to exercise. I want to get back into that rather than going into this rabbit-hole that is being a femboy. If I start exercising, that will have life long benifits.


Since Rokurouta Sakuragi is gone now, the main story about him is now finished (EP 14: Revenge). Now it looks like the next part is about Mario and him going after the nurse who liked Sakuragi (I think). I’m not sure if I should keep watching. I wanted Sakuragi to live!


The rest of the anime turned out to be pretty interesting as well. It was worth the watch — there were a couple of tearjerking moments.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Click on the poster to read the MyAnimeList description!

Monday, 24 June 2024

NHKにようこそ! --- Anime Series Review (24/06/2024 -)

 Date Created: 24/06/2024 10:00

Started Watching: 24/06/2024

Finished: -


This is an anime about a NEET — people try to tie it to mental health problems, but this is kind of different in my opinion. It’s a very light hearted and artistic erotic anime about self-help — with some influence from a cute girl.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

勇者、辞めます --- Anime Series Review (11/06/2024)

 Date Created: 11/06/2024 23:30

Started Watching: 11/06/2024

Finished: 11/06/2024


You wouldn’t guess it from how it starts — but this anime has some deep stuff. It doesn’t put off that well though because it tries to be funny and cute at the same time. But it was enjoyable.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Saturday, 8 June 2024

91Days --- Anime Series Review (07/06/2024 - 08/06/2024)

 Date Created: 08/06/2024 13:19

Started Watching: 07/06/2024

Finished: 08/06/2024


A really interesting mafia revenge anime. Not the kind of anime I usually watch, but I liked it a lot — and it’s very well-made.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Click on the poster to read the MyAnimeList description!

Friday, 7 June 2024

十二大戦 - - - Anime Series Review (04/06/2024 - 05/06/2024)

 Date Created: 07/06/2024 15:19

Started Watching: 04/06/2024

Finished: 05/06/2024


It’s a fun battle royale anime.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Saturday, 25 May 2024

君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女 - - - Anime Series Review (24/05/2024 - 01/06/2024)

 Date Created: 25/05/2024 23:10

Started Watching: 24/05/2024

Finished: 01/06/2024


I thought I might not continue watching this anime after I watched the first episode yesterday. This is because it doesn’t have much in terms of plot. But it does well what it aims to do—which is to show off a bunch of cute girls—a 100 of them in fact!!


Many people are pointing out, and I agree, that what separates this anime from other haram anime is—the main character is not clueless. There are a lot of kissing scenes and it’s really cute.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Click on the poster to read the MyAnimeList description!

Friday, 10 May 2024

君の膵臓を食べたい --- アニメ映画レビュー (10/05/2024)

 Date Created: 10/05/2024 22:03

Started Watching: 10/05/2024

Finished: 10/05/2024



Rating (Out of 5): 5

Click on the poster to read the MyAnimeList description!

Sunday, 14 April 2024

迷家-マヨイガ- --- Anime Series Review (14/04/2024)

 Date Created: 14/04/2024 16:26

Started Watching: 14/04/2024

Finished: 14/04/2024


I watched this with my little brother, because it’s the last day before I go back to university.

This is a horror mystery anime about a group of people going to a forest to change their lives. There is a large cast of interesting characters.

Definitely enjoyable watch for people that like mystery anime.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

For a Girl (by O2bxx) --- Web Novel Review (09/04/2024 - 10/04/2024)

 Date Created: 09/04/2024 19:48

Started Reading: 09/04/2024

Finished: 10/04/2024


This is one of the best novels that I have read in a long time. It’s about a boy that get a disease that turns him into a girl. It’s both cute and realistic at the same time.

I recommend it to anyone who is interested in this kind of thing - well written adult content that’s wholesome. It’s very hard to come by.


It’s an amazing story. I want to shout about it from the rooftops! It goes through a lot of modern topics. And doesn’t shy away from sensitive things. It makes me really wonder what it would like to be a girl myself. It seems fun, but also very challenging at the same time. I have a newfound appreciation for the struggles of women, and a little bit of envy too.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Sunday, 7 April 2024

魔法少女にあこがれて --- Anime Series Review (06/04/2024 - 13/04/2024)

 Date Created: 07/04/2024 17:57

Started Watching: 06/04/2024

Finished: 13/04/2024


This is cute and eechi anime about magical girls. This has been popular recently, and you can see immediately why. The main character’s voice is super cute and sexy.

I recommend this to anyone who’s a fan of eechi anime.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Monday, 11 March 2024

ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ --- Anime Series Review (-)

 Date Created: 11/03/2024 21:51

Started Watching: -

Ages ago, before the second season came out, I don’t know exactly when.

I watched the second season as it came out until EP12.

S2EP13: 11/03/2024

Finished: -


I didn’t really like how the fight with Ryuuen went, so I stopped watching Classroom of the Elite for a while. But I got interested in it again because I want to see where Ayanokoji’s relationship with Kuruizawa goes.

Saturday, 9 March 2024

魔法少女まどか☆マギカ --- Anime Series Review (08/03/2024 - 09/03/2024)

 Date Created: 09/03/2024 10:57

Started Watching: 08/03/2024

Finished: 09/03/2024


I found this anime because of autofill on the WeChat keyboard when I was talking to someone, on HelloTalk, about magical girl anime.

This anime is really cool because it is a psychological and really cute as well — like happy sugar life, maybe. I still have only watched half an episode so far, so I don't know for sure.


I finished watching this anime already. That should tell you how good it is! The only thing is that I have seen a similar idea to this before in Mirai Nikki, so I couldn't enjoy the ending so much.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Click on the poster to read the MyAnimeList description!

Saturday, 2 March 2024

葬送のフリーレン --- Anime Series Review (-)

 Date Created: 02/03/2024 20:16

Started watching: -

25/02/2024 (~EP15)

29/02/2024 (EP24)

Finished: -


I started watching this a while ago. I really liked it, but then I stopped watching it for a while and came back to it again. I watched until there were no more episodes at that time.

This is a really fun and interesting anime, definitely give it a watch.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

爱上她的理由 --- Anime Series Review (02/03/2024 - 06/08/2024)

 Date Created: 02/03/2024 20:10

Started watching: 02/03/2024

Finished: 06/08/2024


This is the first Chinese anime I have watched (动漫) after 篮漠的花, and this anime is really good. The art style and the voice acting. The girls are super cute.

Definitely recommend it if you are looking for a light change from Japanese anime.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

賭博黙示録カイジ --- Anime Series Review (23/01/2024-27/01/2024)

 Date Created: 23/01/2024 23:56

Started watching: 23/01/2024

Finished: 27/01/2024


This a really interesting anime I watched until episode 12 yesterday, until midnight.


Finished the second season today. It wasn’t as good as the first season, but the first season is difficult to beat. The first season made me cry. The second season dragged on a bit.

By the way, I was watching this during the night so from yesterday to today. Now, it’s just past 3:30.

The anime is about a gambler called Kaiji.

Rating (Out of 5): 5 (S1), 3 (S2)

Saturday, 23 December 2023

男子高校生の日常 --- Anime Series Review (22/12/2023-)

 Date Created: 23/12/2023 20:20

Date Started: 22/12/2023

Finished: -


This is a super funny anime about high school boys. This is B型H系 level good from what I can see so far.

Recommend to anyone that like ecchi and slapstick humour.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

僕の彼女はサイボーグ --- Japanese Movie Review (05/12/2023-06/12/2023)

 Date Created: 06/12/2023 21:16

Started Watching: 05/12/2023

Finished: 06/12/2023


This is an amazing Japanese romcom about a university student and a girl from the future.

A super cute and funny anime that will make you feel emotional. 

Definitely recommend it to anyone that likes cute romance and cyborgs.

Rating (Out of Five): 5+

Sunday, 26 November 2023

天浴 --- 中国电影review(-26/11/2023)

 Date Created: 26/11/2023 22:32

Started Watching: 24/11/2023

Finished: 26/11/2023


I have started watching Chinese movies to improve my listening skills. Recently Chinese mature films have caught my attention.

This is a movie set about 1966-1976 about China’s “Educated Youth go up to the mountains and down to the countryside”.

It contains sexual violence.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

盲山 --- 中国电影Review(20/11/2023-21/11/2023)

 Date Created: 22/11/2023 22:03

Started watching: 20/11/2023

Finished: 21/11/2023



Rating (Out of 5): 5

Saturday, 18 November 2023

恋は雨上がりのように --- Anime Series Review (17/11/2023-)

 Date Created: 18/11/2023 16:58

Started Watching: 17/11/2023

Finished: -


I watched the first episode yesterday and the second today. It is a really sweet romance anime involving a JK and a 40-year-old man.

It looked like this anime is well liked because the characters are really relatable.

I actually came across this anime on a list on reddit that had a lot of anime that I watched and liked, and this is one of the few that I didn’t know on that list.

There’s the link to the post:


Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Shangri-La Frontier --- Anime Series Review (14/11/2023-)

  Date Created: 15/11/2023 22:35

Started watching: 14/11/2023

Finished: -


This is a really cool MMORPG anime with very fun fight scenes. Though the characters are a bit one dimensional.

Watched up to Episode 7, looks like no more episodes are out yet.

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Attack on Titan: Special 2 --- Anime Movie Review (11/11/2023)

 Date Created: 11/11/2023 22:25

Started Watching: 11/11/2023

Finished: 11/11/2023


This is the final part of the attack of titan series. It was really awesome. Attack on Titan is a series that I would recommend to anyone. Especially those that really like Seinen.

Definitely enjoyed this movie, it has all those cool action scenes that made Attack on Titan so famous. 

Apparently this premieres pretty recently, a week ago today! So I can’t find any image references for this.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Friday, 10 November 2023

Good Night World --- Anime Series Review (10/11/2023 - 13/11/2023)

 Date Created: 10/11/2023 21:45

Started Watching: 10/11/2023

Finished: 13/11/2023


I just finished watching the first episode. It is really good I want to carry on watching… But is have got lots of homework tomorrow.

This is a psychological anime about a dysfunctional family that becomes a happy family in game. The first episode has me hooked.


Just watched up till Episode 6. Ridiculously awesome psychological anime. Does not disappoint.


Finished off the anime today. It is one of those that likes to be mysterious at the end. Still really good for an anime made by Netflix. The first Netflix anime, that I have watched, that I thought was any good.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Click on the Poster to see the MyAnimeList description!

Gabriel Dropout --- Anime Series Review (10/11/2023 - )

 Date Created: 10/11/2023 17:34

Started watching: 10/11/2023

Finished: -


Just started watching it today because I saw a clip from it on in Instagram. It’s a super cute anime. If you are into kawaii or comedy anime you will definitely enjoy this one.

Click on the Poster to see the MyAnimeList description!

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Monster --- Anime Series Review (-15/10/2023)

 Date Created: 15/10/2023 11:31

Started Watching: -

Looks like I continued from EP8 (maybe later) on 26/09/2023.

Finished: 15/10/2023


A long (74EP) and interesting mystery anime.

This is a time of anime that is different from what I normally watch. The first few episodes in particular felt especially long so I stopped watching for a while.

The later parts of the anime are full of suspense and twists.

It’s one of those anime that leaves the ending a mystery, and that’s not something that I really like.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Click on the Poster to see the MyAnimeList description!

Sunday, 10 September 2023

给19岁的我自己 --- 电影评论(09/09/2023)

 Date Created: 10/09/2023 08:16

Started watching: 09/09/2023

Finished: 09/09/2023


这个电影是真的好看。This is a campus romance movie.

I watched it after seeing an interesting clip from it on 百度.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Saturday, 2 September 2023

AMNESIA --- Anime Series Review (01/09/2023 - 02/09/2023)

 Date Created: 02/09/2023 20:23

Started Watching: 01/09/2023

Finished: 02/09/2023


This is a really cool psychological anime.

It was kind of slow for me, but there were a lot of interesting scenes that made it worth watching.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Thursday, 17 August 2023

我的少女时代 --- Movie Review (14/08/2023-15/08/2023)

Date Created: 17/08/2023

Started Watching: 15/08/2023
Completed: 14/08/2023

This is the first proper Chinese movie I’ve watched, and I really like it.

The main character is 太可爱了.

I really recommend this if you like Romantic Comedies.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

别告诉她 --- Movie Review (16/08/2023-17/08/2023)

Date Created: 17/08/2023 20:01

Started watching: 16/08/2023

Finished: 17/08/2023


This is one of the first few movies that I have watched in Chinese. It was enjoyable, but not amazing.

Rating (Out of 5): 4

Sunday, 16 July 2023

蓝漠的花 --- Donghua Series Review (14/07/2023 - )

 Date Created: 16/07/2023 10:04

Started Watching: 14/07/2023

Finished: 16/07/2023


This is the first Donghua that I have watched (and enjoyed enough to write a review). If you like cute romance and want to try watching Donghua — Chinese Animation — then I definately recommend this.

Watched the 9th [last] episode today.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Thursday, 6 July 2023

天国大魔境 --- アニメ Series Review (02/07/2023-09/07/2023)

Date Created: 05/07/2023 21:18

Started Watching: 02/07/2023
Finished: ~09/07/2023

I watched this with my brother last Sunday and we both really enjoyed it and watched up to episode 7.

This is an another must watch anime. It’s one of those that makes you think, where else except in anime would this kind of things happen?

If you like Ecchi or Seinin genres I highly recommend this.

I think that be probably finished this last Sunday the 9th, because that’s when we agreed to watch it. The anime is good, but not the end of the story.

The second season has not been confirmed yet according to my little brother.

Rating (Out of 5): 5
Click on the image to go to its source.

Monday, 1 May 2023






Sunday, 16 April 2023

Oshi no Ko --- Anime Series Review

 Date Created: 16/04/2023 14:41

Started watching: 15/04/2023

Finished: -


Watched the first episode yesterday and it was amazing. It had one of those really long first episodes. There were a lot of things that I didn't see coming.

Looking forward to the next episode!

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! --- Anime Series Review

 Date Created: 06/04/2023 18:25

Started Watching: 07/04/2023

Finished: -


Just saw that this aired today!

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu --- Anime Series Review (05/04/2023-)

 Date Created: 05/04/2023 16:11

Started Watching: 05/04/2023

Finished: -


This is a really cute anime that aired just three days ago on the 2nd. It's about a middle school boy, Kyoutaro Ichikawa, who apparently wants to kill a girl in his class, the class idol Anna Yamada.

If you are getting School Days vibes, I don't think you need to worry.

This isn't one to miss.


Just watched the second episode. This is really good - if you're into romance, this is a must-watch.

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! --- Anime Series Review (- 05/04/2023)

 Date Created: 05/04/2023

Started Watching: ~

Finished: 05/04/2023 (E13)


A cute and wholesome anime about Tomo Aiazwa a girl and Junichirou “Jun” Kubota a boy, who are childhood friends.

In the anime, Tomo tries to get Jun to see her as a girl.

This is slap-stick comedy that's different from what you might have seen before.

Rating (out of 5): 4

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Bocchi Na Bokura No Renai Jijou --- Manga Series Review (12/12/2022)

Date Created: 13/12/2022 08:00

Date Started: 12/12/2022

Finished: 12/12/2022

This is a super cute short seinen romcom. The high schooler Ichijou Hajime the only boy in his class without a girl friend. One day, they get a new transfer student - Ninomiya Chitose (a girl!). However, the pair get into a fight on the same day.

Will these two ever be able to get along?

Worth a read if you like cute couples and cute art.

Rating (Out of 5): 5

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

By Spring --- Manga Series Review (07/12/2022)

Date Created: 07/12/2022 21:57

Started Reading: 07/12/2022

Finished: 07/12/2022


This was a hard to put down. It is a seinen romance story between a poor boy and a girl under a bridge that sells herself to him for all he has - which is 24 yen!

The art is really nice - this manga is worth checking out.

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Chuusotsu Worker Kara Hajimeru Koukou Seikatsu --- Manga Series Review (-)

 Date Created: 06/12/2022 21:46

Started Reading: 04/12/2022



I have read up to volume 7 chapter 24 (the latest available right now) - the latest chapters were very interesting. Looking forward to what happens next.

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Aono-kun ni Sawaritai kara Shinitai --- Manga Series Review (29/11/2022-)

Date Created: 30/11/2022 22:18

Started Reading: 29/11/2022

Finished: -


This is a paranormal romance manga, as is implied by the title. In my opinion, it balances the paranormal and romance bits really well.

Yuri confesses to Aono after he helps her pick up some books. For two weeks they are able to live like a normal couple. But then Aono dies. Yuri, unable to bare the loss, tries to kill herself by slitting her wrist - but then Aono appears as a ghost and stops. Yuri is overjoyed - it’s not ideal but at least they can be happy, right? Well, not quite - there are consequences to making contracts with the dead…

Since this is targeted at the Seinen demographic, there are a number of Ecchi scenes sprinkled in if you are into that kind of thing - mostly wholesome, though some of the paranormal stuff does affect Aono’s behaviour making him do some not so nice things.

I have read up to chapter 49, which is currently the latest chapter.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Tokyo Revengers --- Anime Series Review (19/11/2022-21/11/2022)

Date Created: 19/11/2022 23:16

Started Watching: 19/11/2022

Finished: (Season 1) 21/11/2022


Just started watching Tokyo Revengers and so far it’s been super cool. It’s a time travel anime about a man who discovers his ability to time leap when he is almost run over by a train. He uses this power in order to try and save his first and only girlfriend by stopping a war between two rival gangs.


I saw the preview for the next season - there’s no new content in the preview, but people are saying that if the manga is anything to go by this will be really good. Definately going to check out the manga. Zetti make ne!


Just finished the manga! It is definitely worth checking out - there were quite a few moments where I cried. Quite an emotional rollercoaster for a shonen manga. If you are into delinquents, fighting and a main character that never gives up, this is an anime/manga worth checking out.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. --- Anime Series Review (16/11/2022-)

Date Created: 16/11/2022 16:47

Started watching: 16/11/2022

Finished: -


I had to write this review because this was one of the best romance anime I’ve ever seen. I watched episodes 1 to 6 today. The anime is about a boy and a girl that have a practice marriage as part of a school assessment, but they both start off liking other people. It is a super fun anime with a lot to like - definitely, give it a watch.